Sunday, December 4, 2011

Not as annoyed.

Because I actually got a job and it's really cool there. I'm apparently being trained by the best and will be able to demand good money if I go anywhere else. And he plans on keeping me for a while. Which is wicked awesome because I didn't mind the shift. Mind you, it'll probably be getting a lot harder on Monday since there'll be a lunch rush. And I won't have the woman who was training me to help D: But I guess I'll get used to it, and I just have to try to keep it nice and clean. But I also need to learn how to be swift about it...

Anyway, that was a little rambly. I'm still annoyed with people my age. Sure I can be friends with them, but they annoy me. But I guess I'm just a teenager who's always been told that I'm so smart and mature *bullshit*. I believed it quite a lot when I was younger, but now I just seem bitter. It's not even expectation that has me bitter, but it just seems like they're saying it for nothing. I feel like I try to make myself out to seem smarter than I am. How? I have no fucking clue.

I just hate people the same age as me. I think I also hate people in general.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I hate having to identify with other trans*guys. I really do. Part of the reason is an unidentifiable person, who's MtF, and the other reason... I can't take other trans* people seriously. Even though I'm still the same age as most of them, they disgust me. They seem fake, and that it's just a fad.

I don't see myself as trans. I'm just a guy. With some annoying baggage, but I've found someone who's genderless and accepts me. I accept them as equal and we carry on. I don't know how we just do, but we do, and it's nice not having to fret over EVERY FUCKING THING.

We currently live in a small basement suite. My partner's been working for the past four months at a coffee shop, but is starting to hate it there. I had a job as a warehouse worker in an auctioneer place, but I haven't been given any hours since my first week. I'm looking for another job, but seem to be quite unsuccessful. I'm going out to apply, for the third time this week. I think I should improve my resumé. How? I have no fucking clue. But I need a job. I'm thinking of trying to find a dishwasher or possibly even busser job. ...If I have to, I might even apply to where ... used to work. Tis a good thing she lives on the opposite side of the city.

I don't feel like I can get a job... It's sort of annoying. And making me feel a little hope/worth-less. Why the fuck is it so hard to find a full time job? It's making me hate society even more, now. Not that my views of society were ever all that high.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

First blog post.

Well, other than it being about four-thirty in the morning, I'm fine. A bit tired, and posted a youtube video, I'm well. I doubt anyone's going to follow this, but if anyone does, hooray. I also have a livejournal account, so I'm not sure how I'll balance the posting. I also have a youtube account which I sort of vlog on.